NAL Training (NAL Rep Review)
About Lesson
Sales Process
  • Where are we Now?
    • Who is driving… us or the customer
      • Retain control. While it’s important to accommodate customers’ preferences, guide the conversation back to mutually beneficial solutions.
      • It can be difficult to maintain control when customers are pushy or demanding, but continue to drive your agenda.
    • Does the customer or prospect understand the challenges within the market?
      •  Making sure that a prospect is aware of industry challenges will ultimately help you add value and complete a sale.
    • Sense of urgency
      • Urgency in sales drives prompt decision-making, sets you apart from competitors, accelerates revenue, and strengthens customer relationships.
      • Time kills all deals!


  • Define Opportunity
    • What is the difference between an opportunity and a lead?
      •  A lead is a prospect that could turn into business.
      • An opportunity is once the lead has confirmed the type and amount of product they are interested in.
    • Qualify the opportunity to identify if it is real and feasible before continuing in your sales cycle.
      • Be wary of consumers attempting to illicit a price sheet to get better prices from competitors.
      • Beware of email phishing, scams, and solicitation.
    • Can you clearly define your opportunity?
      • Identify what problems you’re solving for the customer: bad relationship, product unavailability, long lead time, high price, etc. 
      • Also, you must be able to present hard facts about the opportunity: product, company name, location, order size, price, etc.
    • Identify any resources needed and have them prepared for your next meeting or phone call.
    • Tracking your opportunities is important to be able to track the progression of your pipeline.


  • Getting to Close (Yes or No)
    • Pre-Close Questions

      • Have your prospects make small buying decisions throughout the sales process.

        • “Do you purchase in bulk or drum?”

        • “When do you need this by?”

        • “How would that work for you?”

        • “What are you tank sizes?”
    • Ask for the business.
      1. Clear and direct message.
      2. Use a closing technique. 
    • Be prepared. Know the customer, market conditions, reputation, etc.
    • The relationship you developed throughout the sales process will pay dividends when attempting to close.
    • Always have a pre-call plan with notes that list topics you want to hit.
    • Remember: You are selling yourself and your company, not products!

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