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Overall Assessment
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NAL Training
About Lesson

Lubricant distributors are the companies responsible for the sale and distribution of these essential fluids. They play a pivotal role in ensuring that industries have access to the right lubricants, when and where they are needed. Throughout this section, we’ll delve into the intricacies of lubricant distributors, exploring their functions, operations, market dynamics, and the crucial role they play in keeping machinery running.


Lesson 1: What is a Distributor?

Throughout this lesson you will find out what a distributor is and what they do.

Lesson 2: Distributor Types

There are multiple types of distributors. Some vary based on the scope of products they carry while others only serve niche markets.

Lesson 3: Distributors vs. Suppliers

Understand what the difference between distributors and suppliers. How are they similar and what makes them different.

Lesson 4: How To Win A Distributor

Learn the best techniques to win a distributor’s business.

Lesson 5: Distributors We Use

Get comfortable with the distributors that we do business with on a daily basis.

Quiz: Distributor Quiz

Test your knowledge and comprehension about distributors.

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